Thursday 2 May 2013


Being a vegetarian, you have probably been to quite a few events where you feel a bit awkward when the appetizers come out. Most of the time people serve common things like shrimp rings, wings or crab cakes. (They might have a veggie platter if you are lucky.) You then have to decline and make the host/hostess feel bad because they weren’t aware of your lifestyle choice. Well this won’t erase those awkward moments but maybe, just maybe, they will like these appies so much that they will ask for a recipe at your next party. Or you could always just show up with one of these dishes in hand as a surprise. This is a list I found on Martha Stewart’s website. There are over 60 delicious looking appetizers to choose from. I pulled the pictures of the ones I would really like to try which include the guacamole hummus, stuffed jalapenos and spinach dip. I will try these and let you know how they turned out and if it was a success.

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